Guide Of Biceps Workout For Gym freaks and beginners

Many people need clarification when they need help getting proper knowledge about biceps training for good health and fitness. In this article, I am going to share a full guide to biceps training for the best results for gym beginners as well as for gym freaks who want big biceps. A proper guide will help the gym beginners to achieve good biceps muscles as well as good health and fitness.


Starting gym fitness can be exciting and overwhelming for some. There are many numbers of exercises for developing big biceps muscles. Gym freaks and beginners sometimes find it difficult to get good results.

Here is the full guide for biceps workouts for gym beginners and gym freaks.

Benefits of Biceps training

1. Build Muscular strength

 For gym beginners, biceps training is one of the effective ways to build muscle strength Exercises like hammer curls help you to build strength of the biceps brachii, which is the main part of the arm. An increase in biceps strength helps in everyday tasks and prevents injuries.

2. Improved our whole body image

 One of the best benefits of biceps training is that it improves our body appearance and can improve our motivation and self-confidence

3. Better Joint Health

 Biceps training helps us to strengthen around the elbow making the joints strong and providing strength. Joint health is also important for our health and fitness because it prevents us from unwanted injuries, especially for beginners. Biceps training puts stress on the elbow which makes our joint health which prevents injuries from daily tasks.

4. Burn more calories

Doing biceps training helps in boosting your metabolic rate. This means that you burn way more calories than other cardio exercises which helps gain good health and fitness.

5. Boosted Mental Health

 Physical exercises such as gym workouts not only improve our physical health and fitness but also create good moods because during workouts we release dopamine and other happy hormones which helps in reducing stress and anxiety.


Basic things to remember when you are starting biceps training

A proper warm-up

 A proper warm-up helps your body and joints get ready for the workout, it is important because it prevents us from unnecessary injuries which can destroy our self-esteem. Take 15 minutes for a proper warm-up.

Basics exercises

Focus on the basic exercises like hummer curls and barbell curls focus on building a proper movement for maximum results

Consistency is always the key factor

It is only through constant efforts and discipline that you can have good muscular health, by doing biceps training 2 to 3 times a week you can definitely develop good health and fitness.

Biceps workout at home

If you can’t afford to go to the gym or don’t have sufficient types of equipment then these are the few exercises that you can do for better biceps health and fitness

1. Chin up

Chin-ups merely focus on the back and triceps but they are also very useful for hardcore biceps workouts. You always need a horizontal bar to hold your back.

1.   Stand behind the bars, and grip the bar with underhand on the bar. Allow yourself to hand on the bar with your feet crossed.

2.   Squeeze yourself with the shoulders and elbow bent and try to push yourself up the bar

3.   Pause for the moment and come back to a normal position

 2. Wide-lifted biceps curl

For this exercise, you don’t need any weights or equipment but you need home products like a bottle or any other thing.

1. Stand straight with legs apart Lift the arm out to the shoulder and bend your elbows facing inwards

2. Straight your arm to normal with arms inwards

3. Do 2 to 3 reps

3. Hammer curl

For this, you will need a dumbbell

1. Stand straight with the dumbbell on both hands feet should be apart. Palms should be inwards

2 . Bend your right elbow and start lifting your hand to your shoulder. The dumbbell should be vertical not should not be swinging

3. After doing this you should squeeze your shoulder and lower your arm

4. Do the same thing with the right hand.

 Biceps workout for beginners

1. Shoulder tapping biceps curl

This is very easy to do exercise and you don’t need any equipment to do this.

1.   Stand with shoulders and feet apart and arms should be your sides

2.   Lift both hands above shoulders and try to touch elbows to shoulders .arms should be inwards

3.   Slowly extend your elbows out to your shoulders.

4.   Bend your elbow to touch your shoulders again.

5.   Do 3 to 4 sets of this.

Focus on slow, proper movement for maximum results.

2. Resistance band rotation exercises

If you have a resistance band you can do it anywhere

1. kneel down on the floor making two of your feet touching the floor and your back should be straight.

2   Hold your resistance band in your arms with an underarm grip

3.   Keep bending elbows at your sides and pull the band outwards.

4   Release the band and get back to the normal position.

5.   Do 3 to 5 sets of this.

shop high-quality dumbells and barbells

For these workouts, you need dumbells and a resistance band

To shop resistance band

To shop dumbells

visit my blog on squats


Doing well-planned biceps training is very beneficial for us in having good health and fitness it also offers good metabolic benefits. For the new gym beginners, it is one of the best ways to start their health and fitness revolution with the biceps workouts.


Rajesh said…
Very good lerning for a beginner fitness freak
Anonymous said…

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