Squats ,Benefits ,variations and how to do squats

In this article

   Introduction→Muscle invloved→Benefits→EquipmentsTakeaway

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels: photo of man and woman doing squats during a workout

Squats are a strength exercise that provides strength to the leg muscles and other parts of the leg muscles. Squat is an exercise where the trainee lowers down his/her hips and then stands back to the normal position of standing. Squats are one of those exercises that help build strength and help us to have good health and fitness. I have seen a lot of people not doing squat but it is a good way to change your health and fitness.

Muscles that are involved

Squats involve a number of leg muscles that helps us to do squats .They are- 

  • gluteus and lower part
  • quadarips
  • Hamstrings
  • adductor (groin)
  • hipf lexors.
  • calves

Benefits of squats

1. They provide strength to the leg muscles

Squats provide strength to the leg muscles which helps to achieve high stability to the body and balance for the proper functioning of the body They strengthen our glutes and give strength to the knee part and to the overall body.

2. Prevents from injuries

Squats provide strength to the leg muscles and help us get more stability and better fitness levels that prevent injuries. Squats are fruitful exercises for athletes as they provide strength and explosiveness, making their bodies more explosive in sports.

3. They are an amazing exercise for the joint health

They are an amazing exercise for the joints as squats strengthen the muscles surrounding to the joints, knees hamstrings, and quadratics muscles of the leg. They provide strength and balance in the body.

4 They help us to maintain balance and coordination

The squat is a strength exercise that provides our bodies, doing squats can cause miracles in maintaining balance and coordination by balancing the body we develop balance and stability in our body. Squats also help us improve posture.

Variations in squats 

1. Overhead squats- Holding a barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell overhead while doing squats improves our mobility and core strength.

2. Bodyweight Squat: This is another squat without adding any weights. This is the basic kind of squats focusing on technique. Target core muscles, stability, and mobility.

3. Goblet Squat: In these squat variations you need to hold the kettlebell or barbell close to your chest and squat. This variation improves stability and balance.

4. Pistol Squat: This is one of the most challenging exercises of squats that I have done. In this variation, one leg is extended to another and then we need to squat down. This is a very challenging one. It improves stability core strength etc.

5. Sumo Squat- Feet needs to be kept at a greater angle than the normal squats, where you need to squat down, This variation works to provide strength to the glutes and hamstring.

6. Squat hold- It is the squat where we have to hold the squat for some time which will help to get good fitness and health.

There are many other variations of squats but these are sufficient enough to produce greater results.

You always need a kettlebell, barbell, and dumbell to practice these squat variations

Shop high-quality  kettlebell

Shop high-quality barbell

Shop high-quality Dumbells


Squats are one of the most effective exercises that help us to build strength, they also help us to change our physical strength health, and fitness.

They play a key role in improving our health and fitness. Squats can be done anywhere no equipment is required and they have multiple benefits that can change our overall health and fitness.



Anonymous said…
Great article
Rajesh said…
Nice article on fitness
Rajesh said…
Thanks for the information

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