Healthy Tips For Great Triceps Growth

 A Guide For Great Triceps Growth

When it to great arm building triceps is the one of the most important arm muscles for building a bigger arm. It is located on the back of the upper muscles. It strengthens the whole arm making the arm bigger and more attractive, which is a dream of many men.

So in this article, I will share health and fitness tips to grow good triceps muscles for muscle building and great health and fitness. I have already discussed biceps workouts.

Well, the triceps are the muscles that are on the back of the upper arm they are considered as important as the biceps muscles for building big arms.

It has three parts-

1. Large head- it is the largest muscle among all. It runs from the back of the arm and is attached to the scapula.

2. The lateral head is positioned outside the arm, it is responsible for the well-developed horseshoe shape.

3. Medial head: it is located on the back of the lateral head, it is less visible but it is equally important for arm building.


Why are triceps muscles important?


1. Increase arm strength- triceps play a vital role in pushing exercises such as branch presses and push-ups

2. Helpful in arm development- triceps and biceps both make up the arm but triceps play a crucial role in the muscle and arm development.

3. Prevents arm injuries good triceps health helps prevent injuries.

Exercises for beginners

Since triceps are important to having great healthy and muscular arms, now let’s explore the different exercises for beginners


1.     Triceps Dips: Lowering the body down the bars Keep your shoulders and body upright and keep the body straight. If you don’t have bars try this exercise on the chairs or on the plain surface box with some height.

2.     Push-ups: Provide strength to the arm biceps and triceps, chest, and upper body by lowering and pushing up the body from the plank position. Make sure that you keep your body firm and stable during the push-ups.


3 .Close grip push-ups- Keep yourself in a plank position Then keep yourself straight and keep your both hands near each other with minimum distance then lower your body and keep your body stable during the sets.


4..Single dumbbell triceps extension-Sit or stand on something then hold the dumbbell to the back of your body then move the dumbbell overhead and then down.

5. Close grip dumbbell floor press- ay down on the floor, bend your knees, keep your body straight and stable, and then try to hold the dumbbell with both hands in the air it is just the same as a simple press but in this hands should be close.


Having a good arm and maintaining it requires a proper routine, and discipline that helps us achieve good health and fitness as well as good muscular arms.


Pallavi Sharma said…
Intresting!keep writing 😅
Rajesh said…
Very good article for a fitness freak
Rajesh said…
Good article for a beginner

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